Marzipan Fruits Recipe|How to make Marzipan from scratch|4 main ingredients

 Today's recipe is “Marzipan Fruits” –here are the ingredients & method

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1)200 grams of cashewnut paste

2)1 egg white

3)200 grams of powdered sugar

4)1tsp of almond essence

Food colour of your choice(try and use gel food colours)


Soak the cashew nuts in some water for 1 hour, grind to a thick smooth paste.

Beat the egg white and add to the cashewnut paste. Add the essence mix well.Take a heavy bottomed pan and add this mixture to it, add the powdered sugar ,on a low to medium flame ,mix everything till it all comes together and slowly starts to leave the sides of the pan. This should take about 15 mins .Do the water test as shown in the video to see if your mixture is ready. Once it is ready set aside on a plate to cool completely. Knead to a smooth dough. Divide into sections ,add colour and then form into small balls ,shape into different fruits as shown in the video.


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