Eggless Chocolate Brownie made in a simple Microwave|NO OVEN NEEDED

 Eggless Chocolate Brownie made in a simple Microwave|NO OVEN NEEDED

Today's recipe is an Eggless Chocolate Brownie made in a simple Microwave.No Convection mode needed etc.


1/2 cup of Melted butter

3/4 cup of  powdered sugar

1/2 cup of dahi/curd/yogurt

(to see how to prepare dahi at home click on the link​)

3/4 cup of plain flour/maida

1/2 cup of cocoa powder

3/4 tsp of  baking powder

1/4 tsp of baking soda

4 tbsp of milk

1/2 cup of chopped walnuts.

chocolate syrup/caramel syrup(optional I've just drizzled some on the Brownies,you can alternately dust some powdered sugar too)

For the entire recipe click on the pic below


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