Goan Coconut Pudding Recipe


Coconut Pudding Recipe



1 & 1/2 cup of fresh coconut milk

2 tbsp rice flour

2 tbsp corn flour

1/4 cup sugar


Take 2 cups of fresh grated coconut,add 1/2 cup of warm water and grind to a smooth paste in your mixer jar.Sieve the coconut paste to get  thick smooth coconut milk,If using ready made coconut milk then use 1 & 1/2 cup.Add a little of the coconut milk (3-4 tbsp)to the rice flour & whisk to a smooth paste do the same with the corn flour too,add these to the coconut milk & whisk well,Put this mixture on the gas top and keep stirring,add the sugar ,mix well,stir till the mixture thickens(5 mins)turn off the heat ,pour into molds & refrigerate for 30 mins,demold & enjoy,(garnish with some chopped nuts.)

to see how I prepare this recipe click here



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