
This Club Sandwich Recipe has hardly any cooking involved.The only Cooking that you would need to do is boil the chicken and grill the bread.

You can make the filling for this Sandwich & store it in your refrigerator for about a week
& whenever hunger strikes ,just make a delicious Club sandwich.
This is a great party started recipe or a tiffin recipe for yourself or your kids for school /college.

Boil 200 grams of boneless chicken breasts.Let it cool completely .Shred the boiled chicken .

In a large bowl add this shredded chicken add 5-6 heaped tbsp of mayonnaise.
add pepper & salt to taste .add some finely cut lettuce(romaine/iceberg)

Mix all of the above well.This is the filling for the club sandwiches.

Preparing the club Sandwiches
Grill /Toast 3 slices of bread for each sandwich.
on the bottom layer of toasted/grilled bread add this chicken filling
put another slice of toasted/grilled bread
put thinly sliced cucumbers (4nos)on this layer ,topped with a slice of cheese.
Put the last toasted /grilled bread slice
press down.Cut into 2 halves.Put a toothpick to hold the individual sandwiches in place.



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