Marble cake recipe|A Delicious & Moist Cake

 Marble cake recipe|A  Delicious & Moist Cake


Recipe video link….click here to watch the video

Today’s Recipe is a simple yet delicious Marble cake recipe,here are the ingredients & method


125 grams of plain flour/maida

125  grams of powdered sugar

125 grams of butter at room temperature

3 eggs(separate the yolks & whites)

1/2 tsp of baking powder

1 tsp of vanilla essence

1/4 cup of unsweetened cocoa powder

1/4 cup of milk


In a large bowl add the butter & powdered sugar ,mix well till the mixture is pale yellow.Add

The egg yolks & mix well.Add the whites and mix well,Add the vanilla essence & baking powder & mix well.Add the plain flour & mix well.Divide the batter into 1/3 rd & 2/3 rd

As we are going to add the cocoa to only 1/3 rd of the mixture.Mix the cocoa powder & milk well.Add this to 1/3rd of the batter.Line a loaf tin with butter paper.Preheat your oven to 

200 deg C for 10 mins.Add half of the plain white batter to the base of the cake tin.Add the cocoa batter in the centre & even it out.Add the remaining white batter & smoothen it out.

Take a sharp knife and swirl it as shown in the video..Bake at 200 deg C for 20 mins.Insert a toothpick to see if the cake is should come out clean.Slice the cake and you will see the beautiful marble effect.Enjoy this delicious &moist cake.It will make your Christmas Tray look beautiful & I’m sure everyone who tastes it is going to ask you for the recipe.


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