Vanilla and Chocolate Cake Recipe/Easy Loaf Cake Recipe|Ombre Cake Recipe

 Today's recipe is this Delicious ,must try Vanilla & Chocolate Cake recipe.Each slice has these 3 distinct layers of colour & flavour.

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3 eggs

3 tbsp milk                                                                                                                             

1 tsp of vanilla essence

1 & 1/4 cup maida 

1/2 cuppowdered sugar

1/2 cup Butter(at room temp)

1 tsp baking powder

4 tbsp of cocoa powder


Mix the wet ingredients together in a bowl i.e the eggs,milk & vanilla essence..whisk well.

Mix and sieve the dry ingredients i.e the maida,powdered sugar & baking powder.

In a separate bowl.

In a large mixing bowl add the butter and whisk for a whole 5 mins..beat well till 

The colour of the butter changes from a pale yellow to a pale white colour..also the consistency will change to a very light & smooth consistency.

Pre heat your over now to 180 deg C for 10 mins…line a loaf tray/regular baking tray with some baking paper..

To the butter ,add half of the wet ingredients and mix well..add the other half of the wet ingredients  and whisk well ,now add a little of the dry ingredients and fold well

Do this till you have added all of the dry ingredients…fold in the mixture well..

 Divide the batter into 3 equal parts,to one part sift in the cocoa powder & mix well,

add 2 tbsp of this batter to one of the other batters and mix now we have 3 batters

one plain,one dark chocolate colour & one light chocolate colour

pour each of the batters in to the loaf tin and level well,we need to ahve 3 distinct layers

bake in a pre heated oven @ 180 deg C for 25 mins,

A knife inserted should come out clean..and the top of the cake should be a nice golden brown colour(don’t worry if a crack develops on the top of the cake normally happens with a loaf cake)Once cooled to room temp cut into slices and serve.You will see 3 distinct layers.enjoy

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